"Un ottimo modello può proporsi alla moda anche per dieci anni"
e se a dirlo è il grande Yves Saint Laurent, come dargli torto ??!
La moda è passato, presente e futuro. La moda è riportare in vita reperti dimenticati. La moda è manifesto sociale. La moda è rivoluzione e disordine.
La moda è dar voce al proprio Io.
Basti pensare ai Sixties, alla Swinging London (i just love it!), alla minigonna, al dandismo femminile, al tailleur pantalone...Oggi tutto ciò è tendenza e, alle porte della stagione invernale non può che ripresentarsi,
come capostipite dei total fall/winter trend,
come capostipite dei total fall/winter trend,
il look maschile.
Svuotato di rigore e durezza. Rivisitato al servizio della femminilità. Spaziando dai tailleur optical di Miu Miu ai classici abiti in tweed di Giorgio Armani sino ai gessati di Trussardi; questo il look che ci viene proposto per la stagione invernale.
La rivista, come dire a caso, Vogue Paris ci propone una donna dal sapore molto british, a metà tra il rigore dandista di O. Wilde e le linee più morbide e street del "beat look" .
Giacche, completi taglio uomo e accessori ricercati. Il femminile si ispira al mondo maschile. Una ricerca del bello al fine di un'eleganza ostentata nei minimi particolari.
"An excellent model can be proposed to fashion for ten years"
and if saying it was the great Yves Saint Laurent, as he's wrong??!
Fashion is past, present and future. Fashion is reviving forgotten artifacts.
Fashion is social manifesto. The fashion revolution and disorder.
Fashion is to give voice to his ego
Just think of the Sixties, the Swinging London (i just love it!), The mini-skirt, the female dandyism, the pantsuit ... Today everything is trendy! At the gates of the
winter season, can not recur, as progenitor of the total fall / winter trends,
the masculine look.
Drained of rigor and toughness. Revisited in the service of femininity. Ranging from optical Miu Miu suit the classic tweed suits by Giorgio Armani up to the pinstripes of Trussardi, and this is the look that is being proposed for the winter season. A "random" magazine such as Vogue Paris show us a woman with a very British flavor, between the dandy's austerity of O. Wilde and softer and more comfortable lines of the "beat look".
Jackets, man suits and smart accessories. The female is inspired by the world of men. A pursuit of beauty in order to ostentatious elegance in every detail.
"An excellent model can be proposed to fashion for ten years"
and if saying it was the great Yves Saint Laurent, as he's wrong??!
Fashion is past, present and future. Fashion is reviving forgotten artifacts.
Fashion is social manifesto. The fashion revolution and disorder.
Fashion is to give voice to his ego
Just think of the Sixties, the Swinging London (i just love it!), The mini-skirt, the female dandyism, the pantsuit ... Today everything is trendy! At the gates of the
winter season, can not recur, as progenitor of the total fall / winter trends,
the masculine look.
Drained of rigor and toughness. Revisited in the service of femininity. Ranging from optical Miu Miu suit the classic tweed suits by Giorgio Armani up to the pinstripes of Trussardi, and this is the look that is being proposed for the winter season. A "random" magazine such as Vogue Paris show us a woman with a very British flavor, between the dandy's austerity of O. Wilde and softer and more comfortable lines of the "beat look".
Jackets, man suits and smart accessories. The female is inspired by the world of men. A pursuit of beauty in order to ostentatious elegance in every detail.
-Ho coscienza di aver fatto progredire la moda del mio tempo e di aver permesso alle donne di entrare
in un universo a loro vietato-
-I know to have developed the fashion of my time and have given to women the possibility to enter
in a forbidden universe-