Ho una nuova passione e si chiama Vivetta.
Ne avevo sentito già parlare durante la passata stagione e ancor di più ne avevo visto qualche produzione proprio durante la Fashion Week FW2014. Avete presente gli anni 40, il Surrealismo, Elsa Schiapparelli, il rosa shocking?!
Sicuramente i più fashionisti ricorderanno molto bene. Vivetta ha esordito proprio così, facendo dell’amore per le bambole, gli arredi antichi, gli anni 50/60 perno centrale della sua linea d’abbigliamento e accessori. Vivetta è una nuova ideologia di eleganza, estremamente contemporanea e dinamica, condita da romanticismo e ironia, in cui l’esperienza surrealista trova un nuovo contesto nella moda.
In questi giorni mi sono dedicata ad un VisionShoppingTour e finalmente, tra stand di cappotti, gonne&dintorni, eccolo lì..un reparto tutto dedicato a Vivetta e bang! é stato Amore a Prima Vista! I colori, le forme, i tagli tutto mi ricorda la dolce vita dei Sixties, l'allure bon ton/ragazza perfettina, le nuancè pastello.. Ho indossato alcuni pezzi di collezione e mi sono sentita quasi catapultata nella Swinging London...peccato fosse solo un sogno! La Swinging...Vivetta NO! ;)
I have a new passion and it's called Vivetta.
I had already heard about during the past season and even more I had just seen some production during Fashion Week FW2014. Do you remember the 40s, Surrealism, Elsa Schiaparelli shocking pink ?!
Surely the most fashionistas remember very well. Vivetta started out just like that, making love dolls, antique furniture, the central pin 50/60 years of his line of clothing and accessories. Vivetta is a new ideology of elegance, contemporary and extremely dynamic, seasoned with romance and irony, in which the experience surrealist finds a new context in fashion.
These days I am dedicated to a VisionShoppingTour and finally, to stand between coats, skirts and surroundings, here lì..un whole department dedicated to Vivetta and bang! was Love at First Sight! The colors, shapes, cuts everything reminds me of the sweet life of the Sixties, the allure bon ton / prissy girl, pastel shades .. I wore a few pieces of the collection and I felt almost catapulted into the Swinging London ... shame it was just a dream! The Swinging yes...but Vivetta NO! ;)
I have a new passion and it's called Vivetta.
I had already heard about during the past season and even more I had just seen some production during Fashion Week FW2014. Do you remember the 40s, Surrealism, Elsa Schiaparelli shocking pink ?!
Surely the most fashionistas remember very well. Vivetta started out just like that, making love dolls, antique furniture, the central pin 50/60 years of his line of clothing and accessories. Vivetta is a new ideology of elegance, contemporary and extremely dynamic, seasoned with romance and irony, in which the experience surrealist finds a new context in fashion.
These days I am dedicated to a VisionShoppingTour and finally, to stand between coats, skirts and surroundings, here lì..un whole department dedicated to Vivetta and bang! was Love at First Sight! The colors, shapes, cuts everything reminds me of the sweet life of the Sixties, the allure bon ton / prissy girl, pastel shades .. I wore a few pieces of the collection and I felt almost catapulted into the Swinging London ... shame it was just a dream! The Swinging yes...but Vivetta NO! ;)
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